About Me

In this section you will find information about the who i am behind the portfolio, including details about my background, how i became a developer, and my trajectory to become one.

Who am i?

My name is Vinicius Rossi and I am a 20-year-old full stack developer. I have been passionate about programming since I was 12 years old when I didn't have access to a computer to study. Despite the obstacle, I installed a Linux terminal on my Android phone and started downloading scripts, modifying them to understand how they worked. Eventually, I began coding my own scripts and even learned some Python on my phone.

At 16 years old, I received a laptop as a gift, and the first thing I did was start learning JavaScript from a free course. I was so hooked on programming that I spent 12 to 14 hours a day studying for a year. Even though I was in the last year of high school during the pandemic, I did not have classes, so I used the time to advance my programming skills.

Eventually, I landed my first job as a front-end developer. Even after a long day of work, I kept studying every day and learning new areas of programming like backend development, mobile app development, and databases. Through my dedication and hard work, I became a full stack developer.

My journey into programming may have started in unconventional ways, but it has led me to be a skilled and passionate developer who is always eager to learn more.

Vinicius Rossi © 2023